Saturday, June 22, 2024

Brian Tracy motivations

 Success starts before 6am...

“Many successful people

get up before 6am in the

morning. They have rituals.

They exercise, stretch,

organize their day, and

walk through that series

of rituals.” 

– Brian Tracy

Good motivation. When we get up early morning we have more time available to work. That itself is half of the success achieved

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Discipline motivations

"If we don't



The world

will do it

for us."

- William Feather



and others

won't need to."

- John Wooden


"Motivation gets

you going, but

discipline keeps

you growing."

- John C. Maxwell

Maintaining discipline while doing any works will always an addition to success. Thanks


is the bridge


goals and


- Jim Rohn


is the ability to make

yourself do what you

should do, when you

should do it, whether

you feel like it or not."

- Elbert Hubbard