Saturday, June 22, 2024

Brian Tracy motivations

“Develop An Attitude

Of Gratitude. Say Thank You

To Everyone You Meet

For Everything

They Do For You.”

- Brian Tracy

"Never complain,

never explain.

Resist the

temptation to

defend yourself

or make excuses."

- Brian Tracy

Good motivation, but in real life we can't remain without complaining in all the situations. It may backfire, consequences may be potentially dangerous in certain cases. Wherever necessary we have to complain and explain our position. We have to make clear the things, by complaining our stand or explain the reason for having done something. If somebody asks why you've done like this, we have to explain and defend ourselves. 

If we don't complain or explain truth may never be revealed to the world.

"Successful people

are always looking

for opportunities

to help others."

- Brian Tracy

My hearty appreciations for this help others motivation. I have been doing my best to help others, helping business communities etc., 

"If you want more

luck, take more

chances. Be more

active. Show up

more often."

- Brian Tracy

"Whatever you


with feeling,


your reality."

- Brian Tracy

Mr. Brian has good brain. 

"Be a creator of


rather than just a

creature of

circumstances. Be

proactive rather

than reactive.”

- Brian Tracy

 Success starts before 6am...

“Many successful people

get up before 6am in the

morning. They have rituals.

They exercise, stretch,

organize their day, and

walk through that series

of rituals.” 

– Brian Tracy

Good motivation. When we get up early morning we have more time available to work. That itself is half of the success achieved

Google Maps Platform

Creating a More Sustainable Future with Geospatial Technology Register now  Protecting Natural Resources with Geospatial Technology

  • Air Quality API: Request air quality data for specific locations in over 100 countries to avoid exposure to poor air quality
  • Solar API: Use detailed rooftop data and imagery to help assess solar energy potential and savings
  • Pollen API: Help people limit exposure to allergenic pollen and make better informed daily decisions
  • And more
Protecting Natural Resources with Geospatial Technology

Join our July webinar to learn how you can help protect natural resources and reduce carbon emissions by using advanced geospatial tech and AI. Our team will discuss how Google’s products and solutions can help city leaders and business executives determine where to add greenery to public spaces, prepare for increased environmental hazards, and facilitate solar installation.
Our team will also share how these tools are helping companies, researchers, and governments combat the effects of climate change and map out a more sustainable future. Register now
Below are the speakers of this Webinar

Google Maps Platform Speakers - Creating a More Sustainable Future with Geospatial Technology

Note: Respectable blog visitor - any time you can watch this Google Maps Platform Event after completion by visiting this  Website Link.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Discipline motivations

"If we don't



The world

will do it

for us."

- William Feather



and others

won't need to."

- John Wooden


"Motivation gets

you going, but

discipline keeps

you growing."

- John C. Maxwell

Maintaining discipline while doing any works will always an addition to success. Thanks


is the bridge


goals and


- Jim Rohn


is the ability to make

yourself do what you

should do, when you

should do it, whether

you feel like it or not."

- Elbert Hubbard